Tuesday, 23 June 2009


One day I came up with a great idea of a business and I went to speak it through to my friend, he described me all the obsticles I was going to face, the paper-work, the corruption when starting and beaurocracy, God, it was loads...! I went home and searched the net for information, it actually had many ideas in the database, many similar to mine and some absolutely absurd( I actually liked them ). So many ideas and you just need to pick one... But you really want it to bring satisfaction and good income at once. Possible? Sure, well I think I have a good idea and when it starts I will tell you all in details. I understood well one thing: get as much information as you can, know the field you aim for and then beleive in it! And then go for it!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Recently I feel that life is easier when we relax our minds, listen to our hearts and just expect the best. I read loads of articles and books and reading them gave an idea of some superpower that is watching and guiding you and at the very first I was so fighting to fulfill my dreams, was working hard and even ahead of my own thoughts and nothing seemed to work out as I wished. I just had to stop for a break, I just 'took a nap' from all my businesses to discover one day that all is coming so naturally and everyone is on your side and every day is a fantastic new opportunity!