Wednesday 25 March 2009

No ordinary

The hours and days go by
Leaving a pleasant scent of memories
You learn somehow the gratitude
For all you’ve heard and seen and learned.

It seems it’s passing, leaving just
The trace of your experience
You get to know realities of universe
You get to feel the wonderful unknown
It wakes you up and soul yours
Blending into the ordinary.

What’s ordinary? Is it all around that
goes by rules that have a certain timeline?
You look at it and you discover how different your ‘ordinary’ is.

Thursday 19 March 2009


I got it right, I hope
I swear I got it right.
The ideas of the now
and the hidden light.

I am not the one who
gets the words ,who can
put them back and forth
to describe the universe.

But one thing I do for sure
is soothing soul of humans.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Feeling good

Was just speculating about the most spoken topic – Happiness and what it is. Recently I realized that it is what we experience at the same moment when we are asking the question. It is always the NOW, it is always there at the time.We can feel happier when we get something we want, but actually feel pleasantly satisfied the rest of the time. I hope this applies to you too. Life is soooo good and there are so many thing we can do and it is so beautiful outside the house and sooo fresh. Rain or snow or the sun fills you up with such energy. Hot or cold or a mild day puts its air on you and it is sooo calming, almost like meditating...Appreciating life and being thankful to what we receive day after day is a fantastic feeling!

Food for thought

I was searching for the job for my sister and a very interesting thing happened to me. She is a dancer and I was looking for opportunities in that direction. I was browsing the net and sent a couple of CVs and just a few enquiries. One of the websites was really bright and there was a picture of a woman in a dress, she had an comments section there and I posted a few sentences saying about my sister and left my number ( my sis wouldn't understand a native English speaker ).
The very next day she called me and she told me about her school of dancing and how she had started it, how enjoyed her work, how dancing was a very big part of her life. She sounded so cheerful and so uplifting and it was a such a pleasure to listen to her. She then told me that she was blind. I couldn't believe. She lost her vision at childbirth. She was devastated. She thought that life would stop, but her husband supported her and made her continue dancing and then teaching to dance and she found herself again through art.
She lost her husband later, her helping hand, but she loves the life so much, I could feel, that she kept on going and living an amazing life.
Inspiring, isn't it. Every time someone is down I tell this story and I see eyes lighting up - that's a good feeling!

Live and learn

My recent interview was with a very successful woman in her fifties.
She meets me in her car and we drive to her workplace and in the meantime she tells me how she became so very rich. I am very curious and actually forget about my questionnaire, as she bombards me with information.
'Everything I do I do for my kids and my grandchildren. I have established a good real estate company and it is going great. I have employed 6 staff which I thought was good, but they don't satisfy me, they don't do the job as I would. I have passion for my work: I like to help people get what they are searching for, the best place to live. I am trying to get to know the circumstances of the family or an individual, I take a psychological approach, I guess... I kind of live the life of the customers I deal with and it becomes my personal life.
I divorced 25 years ago and raised my kids on my own. I love life, but sometimes it seems to me that I haven't lived it for myself. There is a man in my life now who adores me, but I feel that when with him, at home, I don't have enough. He loves to stay with me and spend time just watching TV beside me. But it disgusts me, the tranquility, the ordinary... '
That was a very interesting meeting and it is not to us to judge. We all live the life we choose. What would you say to that? Please share your opinion and good luck!!

Monday 9 March 2009

Just ask

At times we all have a need for a hand, be it advice or a real shake up or a good book...From someone you know or even a stranger. I find it great to hear opinion, because something that seems to be a problem to us might be a past experience of a friend who can help, or in some cases the other person won't see what you think exist. My point is to listen to people, the ones who are the most positive. I realised it being so far away from my best friends. Not many here are as optimistic as me and my usual surrounding. Not the same attitude and it feels that you are sailing against the current. Thank God they have invented Phones and internet: you can be in touch with the objects of your inspiration any time you want. And you might even discover yourself again through some teachings. I find my way through knowing 'Where there is a will there is a way!' You need advice - go ahead and ask!